What I am loving and reading in April

It has been a little quiet around here lately because our house has been in chaos for the past 2 weeks. My husband has had the flu, bronchitis, and now pneumonia. The poor man has had a fever the entire time, with very little sleep and a lot of misery. It turns out that without him, I fall apart a bit. Ok, I fall apart a lot. Hopefully, by next week life will be back to normal! Until then, here is what I am loving and reading this month.

What I am loving

Jimmy Fallon Clips

Every weekend, Carlos and I watch Jimmy Fallon clips from the previous week on YouTube. It is always funny and light and exactly what we need at the end of our week. Be careful, once you start watching you will get sucked in, and you will wonder where the past hour and a half have gone!



Carlos and I recently watched Ragamuffin, a movie based on the life of Rich Mullins and we both really like it a lot. That is saying something because I don’t think either one of us has ever watched another Christian movie and actually liked it. It is now on Netflix, and while I would totally recommend it, it is not a light upbeat movie. It has sparked a lot of good conversations in the weeks since we watched it.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Right now we have a free trial of Hulu and we started watching the first season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It is a sitcom on FOX. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it after the first episode, but I am so glad we kept going! While it hasn’t reached Parks and Recreation caliber in my mind yet, it has a similar type of humor. Sometimes we just need a little more funny in our lives.

What I am reading


‘The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide’ by Heidi Priebe

The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide” isn’t for everyone, but it has seriously blown my mind a little bit. I have way too much to say about all I learned from this book, it may make it into a future blog post. If you are interested in personality type information and you are an ENFP, I would say it is worth the $4.99 to buy the Kindle version of this book.

Nurture by nature

‘Nurture by Nature’ by Paul Tieger & Barbra Barron-Tieger

I am definitely into personality types, if you haven’t noticed my constant mentioning it. “Nurture by Nature” helps you figure out your children’s personality types and make accommodations to your parenting based on their types. I really do find it all fascinating, but I struggled through this one. I don’t think the problem was the book, I think it was just me stressing out the whole time while reading and trying to figure out my kids. After a few days of feeling overwhelmed, I ended up returning it to the library. I will definitely be checking it out again at some point, just not for a little while.

Undeniably yours

‘Undeniably Yours’ by Becky Wade

I got “Undeniably Yours” for free for my Kindle and it is still free if you are interested. I love light chic lit, and this one fits my desire for light relaxing reading. I liked it enough to buy the next book in the series!

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2 comments on “What I am loving and reading in April”

  1. Definitely checking to out the enfp book right now. And you SHOULD do a post about it. ? And I couldn’t narrow down my kids either. I don’t think we should until they are older. My 9 yr old is definitely an E and maybe a J. And my 8 yr old is probably an I and a strong S. But that’s all. …. For now.
    Also, you should check out goodreads. It’s nice to look back on what you read and see what others are reading.

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