Moms: What you do matters

As moms, sometimes it feels like we are so busy taking care of someone else and making sure that everything runs smoothly that we feel invisible like no one notices us. We feel like what we do doesn’t really matter.
On an average day, I spend most of my time cooking and washing dishes. It is amazing how often my family wants to eat! I spent it breaking up arguments and dealing with bad attitudes. I spend it doing laundry and more laundry. It is often frustrating and exhausting, and at the end of the day, no one has noticed any of it. At least that is what I let myself believe.
But that is a lie.
Too often I let myself get sucked into believing the lies that what I do isn’t noticed, that what I’m doing doesn’t matter. But here’s the real story:
On an average day, I cook meals and get to sit down and eat with my kids. They tell me all about their day and their ideas. Let’s be honest: They talk constantly and I get to be the one who listens. I spend the day breaking up arguments and dealing with bad attitudes, and in turn, they are slowly gaining important life skills. It is still often frustrating and exhausting, but at the end of the day, it matters. It matters immensely.
So on days when the lies seem to take over, I can choose to focus on the truth. I pray that I can believe it, even when my emotions don’t line up.
Even when it doesn’t seem like it, you are your kids’ world. Even if they never say it, know that you matter more to them than anything else. What you do matters.