My Mother’s Day keepsake book

My Mother's Day Keepsake book

A few years ago, I asked Carlos to get me a blank sketchbook or journal for Mother’s Day so I could put all of my cards and drawings that I get from the kids every year.

He took the kids to the Hobby Lobby and they chose the one pictured below.

mothersday 2

I love that I have a spot to keep the kids’ questionnaires and cards they make me every year, and it is so fun to look back at them!

mothers day 3
mothers day

I particularly like all the printable questionnaires that people design for Mother’s Day. I love reading through the kids’ responses. In one of his answers, Levi said he thinks I look the prettiest while I am doing jumping jacks. How else would I find out such useful information?

If anyone is looking for kids’ questionnaires, you can find a ton of options on Pinterest. I think this one is cute (hint for Carlos).

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