What I’m loving and reading in October

What I’m loving

The Newsroom


Carlos and I started watching “The Newsroom” together and we both LOVE it. It was created by Aaron Sorkin, who also created “The West Wing.” I am not sure why we haven’t watched it before now, given how much we both like “The West Wing,” but I am super happy we have a show to watch together now. It is free if you have Amazon Prime.

Pocket Casts app

Screenshot of Pocket Casts opened on my phone.

I know I talk a lot about podcasts, but I love them so much and want everyone to experience the joy! For a long time, I only listened to podcasts on my iPod, but recently I upgraded my phone and I now listen to them there. So for all of you Android users out there, I highly recommend the podcast app, Pocket Casts. It is a paid app but worth every penny (trust me I have tried some free apps). It is so well-organized and easy to use. I like the auto-delete feature — podcast files are removed from your phone after they’re finished.

The Popcast

I am a bit obsessed with the Popcast right now. The Popcast is a podcast about all things pop culture. Their mission is “to educate you about things that entertain, but don’t matter.” It is exactly the crazy funny that I need in my days. I don’t even have to know all the celebrities they are talking about because they entertain me either way. If you like pop culture, definitely check with one out.

What I’m reading

‘Why Not Me’ by Mindy Kaling


I have been on the waitlist at the library for “Why Not Me” for a little while now, and I am so glad I finally got to read it. I really liked this book a lot! I am a fan of Mindy Kaling in general, and her personality definitely comes out in her writing. So funny.

‘Scary Close’ by Donald Miller


I had “Scary Close” on my bookshelf for a few months now, but I have been on a fiction kick for a while and just haven’t gotten around to picking it up. I am so glad I did! I wasn’t sure how I was going to like this one since I never read anything by Donald Miller before. But I read the first half of the book in one night. I honestly felt like the first few chapters were a bit like sitting in a therapy office. The premise of the book is learning how to find true intimacy in your relationships; if that is something that interests you, I would definitely recommend “Scary Close.”

‘The Road Back To You’ by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile


The Road Back To You” is a great introduction to the Enneagram. If you aren’t familiar with the Enneagram, it is a personality typing system that helps describe how people are wired, both positively and negatively. I absolutely love the Enneagram and have read more in-depth books in the past, but I do think this is a great book for anyone who is just beginning to learn about it.

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