Things I am loving in November

The holidays are in full swing around here. I am loving the extra light and beauty the Christmas tree brings into our house. With all the darkness in the early evening, it is a nice change. Here are other things I have been loving this November.

Our Christmas Tree

A Very She & Him Christmas

I have a few Christmas albums I really like — She & Him’s Christmas album is one of my current favorites. It is fun and just makes me feel a little more festive.

Heated throw blanket

I realize I talked about my love for my heated mattress pad last month, but I really hate being cold! Every day at nap time, when I am writing on the laptop, I turn on the heated throw blanket and it just makes me warm and happy. I never would have thought about buying one, but it was a Christmas gift from my husband a few years ago. He knows me well!

The Hunger Games

I have to be honest and say I had no interest in “The Hunger Games” until recently. It seemed like it would be a sad story and I refuse to read sad fiction or watch sad movies. Life is sad enough; I can’t deal with it in my entertainment. My husband likes to read books in Spanish to help him keep up with the language, and his most recent series is “The Hunger Games.”

After he finished each book, we watched the movies — and they sucked me in. I got “Mocking Jay” out of the library and read it in one day (I might have been extremely tired the next day). Now, I just need to go see the last movie!


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One comment on “Things I am loving in November”

  1. love these types of monthly columns and yes love that heated blanket at my house too. coming over from our new facebook page and glad to find your blog.

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