Crock-pot mashed potatoes

Did you know you can make mashed potatoes in a crock pot?! Maybe I am just behind on the times — and everyone already does this — but if I am not the only one, I want to share this.
Crock-pot mashed potatoes are a very convenient dinner dish I can get ready with only a few minutes of preparation earlier in the day. You can throw in whatever you like — garlic and herbs, butter and milk, parmesan cheese, whatever.

I have no real recipe for you — just a quarter of red potatoes (red potatoes make the tastiest mashed potatoes!) throw them in the crock pot with ¼ cup of water and a teaspoon of salt. Cook on high for 6 hours.
I just stick my mixer right in the crock pot and mix it with butter and milk; 1 minute and they are done.