Days of the week for preschoolers and a free printable

morning board

I am working on making a foam board (I have also used a tri-fold display board in the past) that has all the things I want to review with my kids in the morning. The days of the week, a calendar to cross off days and we often do memorization that I add to the board periodically — our address and phone number, a memory verse, a hundreds chart, and whatever else we might be working on at the time.

I used to have all of this (including a weather wheel) taped to the wall, but I love that I can slide the foam board behind the couch when we are not using it. This has made it easy for me to take it out every morning and go over the material while my kids are eating breakfast — which is a great way to keep everyone’s attention.


If anyone is interested in printing out your own days of the week or weather wheel, I am including the ones my husband made me. I laminated mine and then used velcro squares to attach the labels “yesterday,” “today” and “tomorrow.” These have been extremely helpful in teaching Eden and Judah the difference between those terms. Mines were printed on larger paper, but Carlos resized it for a more common printer size. If you prefer an 11×17 option, let me know and I will send you one.


Days of the week cut-out

Days of the Week (PDF)

Weather  Wheel Cut-out

Weather Wheel (PDF)

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23 comments on “Days of the week for preschoolers and a free printable”

  1. I love the weather wheel. The size is awesome! It looks great on my bulletin board and can easily be seen. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks a lot for sharing!!! I’ve been looking for this kind of printable a lot of time.
    Such a good job!!!!!

  3. This was so helpful. I am in no way a teacher, but with kids being home because of coronavirus, I am now! Thank you for sharing!

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